If you're working with external HTML for your mailing you can have the Maileon editor add a valid tracking pixel, track the links in your content and save images to the media library of your Maileon account via:

The code editor:

The WYSIWYG editor: Template settings > Tracking pixels:

Adding Trackable Links

When links in the email need to be tracked, it's best to add the links with the editor. if you're creating emails in HTML, a link might require some additional scripting, before Maileon can track them.

A trackable link follows this format:

<a href="[[LINK|&quot;[+|% transaction 'link_url']&quot;]]" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Visit the Maileon website</a>

Where the '[[LINK| ' signals Maileon that it's a link that requires tracking, '&quot;[+|% transaction 'link_url']&quot;' contains the URL, in this case based on a transaction. The '+|' signals Maileon that we don't need to reformat the URL. 

Each of these settings requires testing.

Tagged Links

And if you want the links to be tagged, you can add another '|' and add the tags separated by a '#', as shown below:

<a href="[[LINK|&quot;[+|% transaction 'link_url']&quot;|maileon#website#version1]]">Visit the Maileon website</a>