General information

Define the standards for the use of external analytics services or custom tracking. The defined settings are appended to all links of the released domains as URL parameters. In this menu you can control the basic activation for tracking with a checkbox. You can currently choose from Google Analytics, Piwik Analytics and custom tracking.

Setting up custom URL parameters

In Maileon it is possible to setup URL parameters on accountlevel in Account Settings > Tracking and Analytics or on email template level in the mailing editor. Make sure to have "custom analytics" enabled as an option in your account configuration. Consult with your service partner if this is not the case.

Account settings

Go to  Account Settings > Analytics & Conversions and unfold to the "activate user-defined link parameter" menu. Click the checkbox to activate this setting and supply your key and value pair(s). Optionally you can limit this parameter for links to a particular domain (and it's subdomains):

Note: these settings will only automatically apply to newly created mailings. When copying existing mailings, you can apply the tracking settings manually.

Email editor

In the email content editor, open the template settings via the switches-button in the top right of the screen. Go to advanced settings and open the web analytics menu. The Add URL Parameter opens the menu to add parameters to links in your mail. Select the custom option in the web analytics service menu and supply the key (parameter) and value settings. Using this menu allows for more customization to exclude or restrict to URL's from specific domains: