General information

This area contains information on the user profile and the user interface characteristics. This page is primarily for information, but you can also set or change certain values.

E-mail address

Here you can see the e-mail address that is also your user name. The information in this field cannot be changed. If you would like to use a different e-mail address, you would have to create a new user. You can find more information on this in the chapter "User administration - user list".

First and Last Name

The information in this field can be changed. This is useful if, for example, a typo has crept in or the last name has changed due to marriage.


By clicking on the "Change password" link, you can display 2 additional fields for entering and repeating passwords.


Information on the user status is displayed here. Possible specifications are: unlimited duration, time-limited duration, deactivated. Changes to this must be made in the user administration under "User list".


Shows the currently assigned user role. Changes to the role must be made in the user administration under "User list". Possible standard roles are: editor, customer service, account administrator and demo user. In the “Roles” user administration area, you can also define roles yourself.